Bad45: Tacfit Bodyweight And Dumbell System


...It's about finding the right rhythm... There's the "secret sauce" there - a science hidden in plain sight - appearing in nature at both the cellular and the celestial level - and those who get and keep their results stumble upon what makes these 3% successful:
After logging a half million miles per year flying around the globe training tens of thousands, I have seen the statistics in FIRST PERSON EXPERIENCE and have heard their objections, seen their challenges and felt their hurdles. 
I have also encountered those individuals in the 3%, and documented what made them "tick" - concentrating as much energy in understanding the tactics of success the three-percenters all used, as I did in helping those 97% - like myself - through the systematic distillation of their success tactics. These over-looked tactics are ignored by most people, because media, marketeers and salesmen deafen us to the simple truths of the three-percenters. 
97% of people skip these secrets BECAUSE they're thought of as too basic to work. Even good genes won't help you, if you don't follow them with the right formula, for in a race between tactics and talent, tactics always win. And I CAN help you win, even if you apply only some of what I teach you, you are going to succeed (and if you apply all of what I teach you, you'll so far surpass your goals that you'll feel shocked you set the bar as low as you had for yourself)...
Even if you believe that you're so far gone, and so genetically disadvantaged that you have no chance at accomplishing your goals.
... even if you embrace only one of the tactics...
The secret, as Einstein advised, is "simple, but no simpler."
 You can't find it in the fad industry magazines, because they've cluttered their own head-space with gimmicks, gadgets and fads. They've deafened you with "quick and easy" so you don't expect that you can take your time, and feel safe that you can feel the raw pleasure of your body working hard again.
Only 3% of people actually follow this one tactic... time under technique.
TUT is often used to describe - time under tension. But in the applied biomechanics I learned, it was taught that you can be tense in a way that causes you pain and injury, but with technique, you will only ever create better function, without pain and injury, without great soreness, without energy fatigue, over-training and boredom.
Stop being hooked by long workouts that aren't giving you the results you want, and only leave you so hurting the next day that you can't move
Surpassing your goals will require that you move in the right way to instruct your nervous system how you want your body to perform. The better you hold your technique over time, the more your body becomes shaped to continue moving in the precise way you've asked it to move.
Think of a martial artist. It's not how quick the fighter moves which gives the shape of a fighter, but how perfectly practiced the technique. If you want to be shaped like a fighter, perfect the skills of the style. To be shaped like you, practice your techniques.
How you move is mirrored by your body. Move strong = look strong. Move well = be well.
Have you ever seen a beast of a man grunting out heavy tonnage with dangerous lack of good exercise form? Did he get big and strong? Sure. And what happens within a very short time? Big, strong guy with bad technique starts to look like his technique: like he's about to break. And he does. And he ends up finding me to put the pieces back together.
I'm TOTALLY FINE helping anyone, but I'd rather help people BEFORE their destroy themselves... because you can get the results without destroying yourself.
Do I have anything against being a beast of a man? Nope. I'm not too small myself. But I would rather, and tens of thousands of my students would rather look like we can move powerfully without pain or injury.
How do you want to look? No matter what you do, you're going to look like what you do. But HOW you do it determines how 
YOU LOOK doing it - your time under technique creates your shape.
For lean muscle, regardless of aging, traveling, working and stressing, it's about taking short periods of time to perform clean technique. (This also means that you need proper techniques as your foundation.)
But can you apply it in your actual life? What will it require of you to be able to apply this principle in your exercise - so your body has NO CHOICE but to become the movement you perform?
The most welcomed discovery comes in realizing these results come in only 20 minutes...
I named this new addition to the TACFIT fleet - the "Bodyweight and Dumbbell 45" - or BAD45 to be succinct, because it takes the most fundamental, full-body, functional bodyweight and dumbbell movements and organizes them in the most succinct manner to optimize your results, while minimizing time investment.
In a moment, I will tell you exactly how this works - and the reason that I have 100% faith that it repeats its results for EVERYONE who embraces it - but hold on for one moment, and let yourself ask the question:
"Why DID you research this? How do you KNOW for certain that this is the truth, and not just a theory?"
Believe me, my friends - I truly wish that this was just a theory that I devised sitting in my office one day. Unfortunately, for me, it was quite the long, difficult road of first-hand experience and then rigorous study and experimentation...

My name is Scott Sonnon, for those of you who do not know me. I've spent 25 years traveling the globe, searching for the best kept secrets of the "successful 3%" so that I could bring their tactics to those, like myself, who need a simplified format for repeating successes.
As a coach, I've created award-winning systems, books and videos. I've taught my approaches behind the secure doors of the most elite government facilities, as well as publicly to tens of thousands of students worldwide. My approaches have been time-tested and proven effective over decades; my company itself has been producing my ideas since 1996!
But a terrible accident...forced me to create this new body of work.... Teaching Jiujitsu to federal law enforcement, we slipped on the sweat-pooled mats, and a "perfect collision" caused the vertebrae in my neck to go off like popcorn at the site of an injury from the 1994 Grand National Sambo Championships where I had been suplexed on the top of my head. I couldn't lift my arm overhead even without weight.
You can imagine my fear. I was just at the beginning of a long travel season taking me to Vegas, NYC, Australia, Central America and Europe, all in two months... This was how I made a living for my family!

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I choose BAD45? 
Many people arrive at the "world's smartest workout" program after having exhausted themselves in frustration with the inability to lose fat, increase muscle mass, and increase their vital energy throughout the day; or, if a program manages to achieve results, the results are more quickly lost, plateaued, or result in injuries and pains.
Other programs result in inevitable fat gain, muscle loss and energy decrease, because they do not understand and honor the rhythm of your hormonal wave throughout the day. Your biochemistry cycles once a day - your circadian rhythm - and several times within that day - your ultradian rhythm. If a program is not based upon these rhythms, no matter how hard you work and regardless of how clean your diet is, you will not get the results, or you will not keep them for very long. 
BAD45 exploits cutting edge discoveries in exercise endocrinology, which gives you entrance into three critical windows for your optimal performance: the catabolic, or fat burning window, the anabolic, or muscle building window, and the metabolic, or energy enhancing window.
Typically, the units and agencies I train, must move quickly between forced, prolonged, sedentary inactivity while suffering high stress levels anticipating conflict, into rapid action requiring their entire bodies to mobilize suddenly. Not only does this cause high level of injuries and pains - the external environment of your musculo-skeletal system, it wreaks havoc on their normal balance - your internal environment of your endocrine, immune and neurological systems.
Even people who are not in the tactical community can benefit from the research done to support their injury free, pain-free fitness results, by following the recommended steps in the BAD45 system of optimizing hormones for fat burn, muscle gain, and energy enhancement.
To make this as accessible as possible to the widest range of people, I have used the most basic resistance training tools currently available around the world: the humble dumbbell, and your own bodyweight. No matter where you are, you have these inexpensive (the dumbbells) and free (your bodyweight) tools.
 To save you enormous fees on gym memberships, to prevent you from facing months and years of frustration not gaining your results or temporarily getting results and then losing them due to regress, pains and injuries, I offer you this revolutionary approach to burning fat, building muscle, and enhancing your balanced energy throughout the day with BAD45!
 Q:  Is BAD45 an acceptable program for someone considerably older than their 20's or 30's?
 Actually, the reason that BAD45 is perfect for people in their 20s and 30s is because it was designed to work for people 45 and older! When you're young, you can get 80% of your results by doing virtually any type of exercise on nearly any indiscreet diet. However, you can't get that last stubborn 20% unless you have the right timing. 
When you pass middle age, timing is everything, because your genetics were designed to get you to the point that you procreate, but weren't designed to let you live a long time in optimal vibrant fitness. BUT, if you understand the science behind your hormones (called exercise endocrinology), you can bring a scalpel to surgery instead of the pickaxe of our 20s and 30s. BAD45 uses cutting edge discoveries in exercise endocrinology to surgically strike at the optimal moment in the perfect rhythm. 
So, although BAD45 is the ideal approach for those 45 and older, if you want to have access to 100% of your fitness potential, in your 20s and 30s and beyond, this is the system for you!
 Q: I am new to exercise. Can I still use this program?
If you're new to exercise, this is the IDEAL PROGRAM for beginners! BAD45 uses simple movements cycled to maximize variety and skill mastery. By following BAD45's unique design, not only will you feel quickly confident even as a beginner, but you will find that you're mastering your own movement more rapidly than you could have hoped.
Q. What makes BAD45 different from other fitness programs available on the market?
 Nothing on the market was designed for PORTABILITY, EFFICIENCY, SIMPLICITY and EFFECTIVENESS. Imagine that you had access to the Coach of a USA National Team, or the Trainer of a Special Operations Unit, or the Instructor of a Federal Agent Academy. What would those three experts have in common? They all need to be able to provide time and space efficient solutions that anyone could simply perform without in-person supervision in any conditions or environment, and achieve and surpass all of the targeted results. That is precisely what you get in BAD45. 
Furthermore, there is NO other program on the market which considers the hormonal impact of your training. Exercise is a biochemical event. Your muscles are merely doing the work, but it's your biochemistry which gives you the results. If your exercise and nutrition are not optimized to your INTERNAL environment, then even if you perform the hardest workout in the world, and have the best nutrition money could buy, it's not going to help you.
This next comment will be highly controversial, but it is biochemically irrefutable: even a less intense workout, with even a less than optimal diet, performed at the right time in your recovery cycle, will be MORE results-producing than the hardest workout on the best diet
There's simply no other system which has been designed with optimizing your hormones for fat-burn, muscle-growth and energy-increase like BAD45. By hitting the three critical windows in your cycle of recovery - the catabolic, the anabolic and the metabolic - you only need to follow the turn-key daily calendar to achieve results you haven't been able to access before, even when working your hardest and spending an enormous amount of money on the "perfect diet."
 Optimizing your nutrition IS important, but again, it's like a very intense workout: even if it's the best, if the timing is wrong, you're not going to get the results you want. BAD45 tells you exactly which workout to do on a particular day to have the OPTIMAL TIMING to surpass your goals!
 Q: Can I do this program when I am away from home or the gym?
 You are never without your own bodyweight, and a dumbbell is the most common tool in the world, and often the least expensive! Since you don't need more than one pair of dumbbells, you can do this program anywhere, even from the office, in a hotel, in the field, on vacation or out of your car.
 This system was created to address the challenges of a busy schedule, so that no matter where you are and what you're doing, you have access to these scientific breakthrough discoveries in fat loss, muscle gain and energy increase.
 Q: I want to get in shape right away! How long will I have to wait until I can begin using this program?
 As soon as your doctor says you're cleared to do this type of exercise, you can start immediately, because you can adjust it to your fitness or recovery level.
 Q: What equipment do I need to successfully use this program?
 Just your own bodyweight and a pair of dumbbells!
Q: What dumbbell weights do I need to start this program?
It is difficult to say with so many differences in strength. One pair of dumbbells of the same weight will be needed for this program. For beginning women: a pair of 6 to 12 pound dumbbells as a starting weight; for beginning men: 15 to 35 pounds for starting weight. This is only a general guideline for beginners. There will be exceptions and variations to this guideline based upon strength, size and experience.
 Q: How long until BAD45 begins to work for me?
Immediately. There are three primary results gained through BAD45. The first you'll experience immediately: energy increase. Through the re-balancing of your internal environment, your metabolism will increase, but also you won't be experiencing lulls in your daily cycle of energy. This has to do with a unique "Pulsating Effect" of your hormone release. Increased dopamine levels from this type of exercise make you feel better all day long, and the increased serotonin levels from the type of exercise included in the system will make you sleep better, setting up a chain reaction leading to greater fitness results. The fat-burn will be noticeable within the first 1-2 weeks and the muscle gain not long after, but these are magnified due to the scientific approach to "Waving Intensity" across the hormonal spectrum of exercise.
 Q: Can you explain how these workouts  burn calories?
Calories burned DURING the workout is only one part of the whole picture. EPOC (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) is a process of increased oxygen intake to address the debt you create with this type of exercise. The greater the intensity of the exercise, the more debt you incur; and your body responds by increasing oxygen use to restore your resting state of hormonal balance.
Performing these biochemical operations requires energy, and it extracts most of this energy from fatty acids, where your body breaks down stored fat to release fatty acids into general circulation, and carry them to your cells where they provide the energy you need to return to a resting state. The more effective that an exercise approach is in activating your intensity, the more energy that it takes from fat stores.
Typical cardio over long periods of time may burn calories, but it has a limited EPOC yield, so basically you burn calories with cardio, but you don't optimize your hormones to burn fat and build muscle.
Studies have shown that after the type of workouts found in BAD45, the EPOC effect can still be found up to 38 hours after the workout. Your hormones are causing fat-burn to fuel the restorative process for 38 hours after your workout. Furthermore, with the type of intensity of exercise in BAD45, you have an increase in the muscle-building hormone sites - called androgen receptors - not just post-workout, but also for up to 48 hours afterward.
Due to the unique timing technology based upon cutting edge discoveries, we now know that when the hormones start to slow down, we can accelerate their return again, through a precise "Intensity Wave" found in this system. This is why you will find a unique combination of metabolic (energy lifting), catabolic (fat burning) and anabolic (muscle building) windows in BAD45.
 Q: Is it possible that BAD45 can be too hard for me?
 BAD45 was designed with 5 different levels of access:
 1. RESTART - for those who've been away from exercise for a long time.
 2. REBUILD - for those who've taken a short break from exercise.
 3. STRENGTH - for those who've been exercising, yet are not getting the results they want, and are ready for the next step.
 4. MASS - for those who had been getting results but have plateaued and can't continue to grow.
 5. REFINE - for those who've had a consistent exercise program, but who are really looking for the next step in hormonal optimization for that last 20% of results they've never been able to (re)gain.
 Q: What if BAD45 does not work for me?
 Having trained tens of thousands of people from around the world, no one has ever said this approach of hormonal balance through exercise waved timing did not work for them. However, if for some reason you become the first in history, there's a 100% money back guarantee for sixty days. But don't worry, you will be so surprised by how fast and complete and permanent these results come, that you'll only wonder how you got the program for such a steal!
 Q: Can I use other RMAX International products (such as Tactical Gymnastics and Powerformance Kettlebell) in conjunction with the new BAD45 program?
 Yes, you can integrate any program, especially Tactical Gymnastics and Powerformance Kettlebell, into your BAD45 training, due to the nature of the format. When you read the BAD45 Guidebook, you will learn how you can incorporate any other fitness approaches in a manner which will hit the 3 critical windows in your internal environment so you burn fat, build muscle and increase energy.
 Please start by training with BAD45 as it is recommended. Let the easy-to-use, simple-to-follow steps guide you through the formula, and then, once mastered, incorporate other hormonally balancing programs in the RMAX fleet of high-performance longevity, like Tactical Gymnastics and Powerformance Kettlebell.


Progressive Yoga manual
In this 55 page manual of fully-illustrated, high-definition photography, Scott Sonnon takes you to the new fusion of Western and Eastern Science. Applying his unique and hard-won knowledge on motor development, biomechanics and stress physiology, his "Progressive" approach to yoga, is about stopping stretching and starting strengthening. He not only provides you with the know-how supporting his powerful approach, but he shows you page by page how to do it, with exercise descriptions succinctly crafted to focus on the key coaching cues, rather than overly-ornate physiological and anatomical explanations. 

2 (two) Progressive Yoga videos
Rx4 Progressive Yoga Series A
Rx4 Progressive Yoga Series B

In two revolutionary 20 minute yoga programs, you will experience increased mobility, through Coach Sonnon's signature formula for incremental myofascial release. Each step has been meticulously crafted isolate and restore function to lost ranges of motion, not only through the tension generated in exercise workouts, but also through your recreational, occupational and behavioral choices which reduce your full range of motion. No other yoga approach in history was specifically designed for athletically and chronologically "tight" people, while gradually re-balancing the "internal environment" of the hormonal system, turning off the exercise-induced alarm of the sympathetic nervous system and restoring the "rest and digest reflex" of the parasympathetic tone.


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