The Skinny Asian Diet!

If you had lunch with a girlfriend you hadn't seen in a couple months and she showed up having lost 60+ pounds...would you be curious how she did it?

And if she said she was eating BIG meals and hadn't worked out or exercised hard at all...what would you be willing to do to learn her secret?

My name is Catherine Cheng. I'm 35 years old, and I was born on the Chinese island of Taiwan.                                                    
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I did can too!
My Story Can Be YOUR Story!

Yes, that's me in the pictures, and I fought the same giant thighs, the same ugly belly, and the same flabby arms that you may be suffering with now...

Ten years ago I moved from Taiwan to America to enjoy the wondeful life here, and in just two years my weight ballooned up to over 170 pounds.

It got so bad that I refused to send my parents and family back home any pictures or video of myself, because I was so disappointed and ashamed.

The Main Program

The heart and soul of the system, the Main Program is packed with detailed breakdowns and information on the exact weight loss methods Asian Women use to get a flat belly, lean thighs, and thin arms FAST.

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This is the same method I teach to students in my local weight loss seminars and classes, and it's everything you need to lose inches FAST.
MetabolismMasterMeals Module #1: Metabolism Master Meals

Every rocketship needs fuel, and this group of specially designed (and easy-to-prepare) meals will fire your metabolism up to new heights!

The best part is that even someone who can't boil an egg will be able to complete these recipes without drama and enjoy, and they taste DELICIOUS.

Module #2: Fat-Burning Booster Drinks

We all live busy lives these days, so it can be tough to plan cooked meals that keep you burning fat all day long. Especially when you're raising kids!

To help those who find themselves always in demand, I've developed a ton of fast, tasty, and POWERFUL fat- burning smoothies to allow you to stay lean and mean while on the go.
Module #3: 15 Pounds In 2 Weeks: Diary

To get you quick results in just the first 2 weeks of The Skinny Asian Diet I've prepared a simple schedule diary of exactly what to make, when to eat it, and every other activity to get you up and running.

Order Details The calendar/diary format is simple to follow, and it can be used over and over as long as you like to keep dropping weight continuously!

Module #4:
Fast Start Video

Before you begin the full program there are a few bad habits I want to fix that could be hurting your weight loss efforts without you knowing it.

This short video will let you correct some of the bigger no-no things you may be doing, and prep your system for losing weight at FULL SPEED!

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Module #5:
Relax To Burn: Hypnosis (Audio)

This is SO important to your success,
I can't stress it enough. It's my favorite self-hypnosis audio program for de-stressing and programming the brain for long-term weight loss!

It's worth the entire price of the program's that powerful in your fight againt fat, and without it would take you TWICE as long to achieve your goals...

Bonus #1: Secret Herbal Power Tips

Asian Women use everything in their environement that to keep their bodies naturally healthy and thin.

In this Bonus add-on you'll learn about the healing power of plants, leaves, spices, and herbs, and how they not only fight cancer and disease, but also fat!

Powerful information you'll use forever...

Bonus #2: Calorie-Melting Inferno

We talk about "metabolism" and "metabolic rate" constantly in fitness, but what exactly does it mean? And how can you tap into this power within you?

This second Bonus report goes into details about how your metabolism is similar to a raging inferno, and how you can easily light the first match!

Bonus #3: Detox Truth & Lies

Detoxing and "cleanse" programs are popular right now, and for good reason. They offer a great way to improve your health and fix problems with digestion.

But there are things that a detox program does NOT do, and iIn this final Bonus, the details regarding the RIGHT methods to detox safely are examined and explained fully!


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