The Fastest Way To Lose Weight In 3 Weeks

More Than 1,000 people have "tested" this all natural kidney restoration program and their own medical results prove... it's saving their kidneys... and it is drastically improving quality of their lives!

the Bikini Model Cookbook

Do you get frustrated that there’s a new fat loss secret–a pill, a powder, or a magical program–every time you turn on the TV?

Fat Burning Soup Recipes For Weight Loss Cabbage Soup

Because you only need to replace one meal with a fat burning soup, the rest of the day you continue to eat like normal.

muscl eimbalances revealed

Discover the Secrets to Fixing Muscle Imbalances Without Ever Leaving the Comfort of Your Own Home!

Never say never, and don't let anyone tell you, you can't!

You can have the body you deserve,no matter what your age, fitness level or current weight

Monday, August 31, 2015

11 Surprising Migraine Triggers

Do you ever skip lunch? Or sleep late on Sundays? You may be setting yourself up for the misery of a head-pounder. Learn about these and other lesser-known factors that can lead to a hellish headache.

from Healthy & Happy -
via energie fitness for people

Sunday, August 30, 2015

10 Exercises for People in Pain

If you're in pain, there's a temptation to skip exercising. But exercise is often the very best way to help lessen the pain and improve your quality of life.

Working out

by Amanda Gardner

fibo-how-to-exerciseIf you’re in pain, there's a temptation to skip exercising. But exercise can often help reduce pain and improve your quality of life.

That doesn’t mean it’s easy. The good news is that you don’t have to run a marathon to get back to the business of life.

“Everybody can do something,” says Perry Fine, MD, a board member at the American Pain Foundation. Exercise "does actually allow people not only to reduce their perception of pain but to overcome limited functioning.”

Just remember to pace yourself and consult a physical therapist for advice. Here are 10 types of exercise that can help get you moving.

15 Best Dog Breeds for Active People

Look to these non-stop canine companions for workout motivation and, of course, a little bit of love.

Workout buddies

by Rachel Swalin

Man's best friend makes a loving and loyal pet—and an awesome fitness partner. With all the walking, chasing, and playing you do together, keeping up with your dog can be an exercise in and of itself. Case in point: dog owners walk more than those without a pooch, averaging four walks a week for 160 minutes of physical activity, according to a study published in the Journal of Physical Activity & Health. You'll boost your fitness by owning any dog,
 With Your Dog
but breeds with extra stamina and agility will really keep you moving. Whether you like to run, swim, hike, or play games in your yard, these ultra-active breeds will help you stay in shape.With Your Dog

Thursday, August 27, 2015

10 Foods That May Trigger a Migraine

Alcohol, cured meats, and aged cheeses all might bring on one heck of a headache.

Diet and migraines

by Maria Masters 

diet migrain opener
As if migraines weren't awful enough, it can be downright overwhelming to sidestep all the things that could set off an attack. Problem is, food triggers not only vary from person to person, but much of our knowledge about them comes less from carefully controlled studies and more from observing patients, explains Lee Peterlin, DO, the director of headache research at Johns Hopkins University.
Before you cut out every one of these items from your diet, here's something to keep in mind: Fasting or skipping meals can be an even bigger migraine trigger for women, says Dr. Peterlin. So just keep that advice in mind as you go through this list, then turn to your fridge. (Though you might want to reconsider that charcuterie…)Migraine


Your Urinary Tract: A User's Manual

Ever wonder why you spend so much time in the bathroom? It's because your urinary tract is your body's drainage system, designed to remove waste and toxins. (Think of it as your own regular natural cleanse!) Unfortunately, women are more prone to urinary problems than men, thanks to our unique anatomy, hormone changes and the effects of pregnancy and childbirth. But don't fret: Here's everything you need to know to resolve your loo-related issues.

Problem No. 1: Urinary incontinence

The lowdown: About a quarter of women leak urine when they're not actively trying to go. The most common culprits? Pregnancy and labor. "The increased weight during pregnancy puts pressure on your pelvic-floor muscles, and childbirth stretches them out, causing tears that can lead to urinary incontinence," explains Costas Apostolis, MD, director and chief of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at Akron General Medical Center in Ohio. But you can be susceptible even if you've never had a kid. "As estrogen levels decline through menopause, your urinary tract muscles weaken, making it more likely that you'll leak," Dr. Apostolis says. And while we're all about staying active, running and classes that require a ton of squatting and lifting (like CrossFit) can put stress on pelvic muscles and make the problem worse.

What it feels like: Coughing, sneezing, laughing, squatting or lifting something puts pressure on your bladder, leading to leakage—as little as a few drops or as much as a geyser.

Rx: Visit your ob-gyn. She may recommend pelvic-floor therapy to strengthen those muscles. If you're dribbling during exercise, your doctor can prescribe a device called a pessary (inserted into the vagina) or outpatient surgery to support your bladder.

Problem No. 2: Urinary tract infections

The lowdown: Blame bacteria like E. coli that invade your urinary tract, often from your stool. Your ureters, urethra, kidneys or—most often—your bladder gets infected as a result. And women can be especially vulnerable. Why? "The proximity of the rectum to the urethra in women allows for easier transmission of bacteria into the bladder," explains Courtenay K. Moore, MD, a female reconstructive surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic Glickman Urological Institute.

A tendency to get UTIs can run in families. You're also more likely to get one if you have multiple sexual partners—or are simply having sex frequently (good for you!). And you may start getting UTIs after menopause, due to declining estrogen levels in your system: "Estrogen promotes an acidic pH in the vagina, which protects against the bacteria that cause UTIs," Dr. Moore says.

What it feels like: The classic symptom is a burning sensation during and after peeing. You might also constantly feel like you have to go while only passing a small amount of urine.

Rx: See your doctor pronto: If left untreated for several days, infection can spread to your kidneys, causing permanent damage. She'll likely put you on antibiotics. And if you're truly in agonizing pain, she can also put you on a bladder-numbing drug like Pyridium.

Problem No. 3: Overactive bladder

The lowdown: OAB, or urge incontinence, makes you get a strong, sudden feeling that you need to go. "The muscles in your bladder contract involuntarily," explains Mary Rosser, MD, an ob-gyn at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City.

What it feels like: You have an immediate urge to pee. You might go as often as eight times a day, even if you're not drinking a lot.

Rx: The first line of treatment: Kegels and/or pelvic-floor physical therapy to prevent urine from leaking out of your bladder. Your doctor might recommend bladder training, which means you work on delaying going to the bathroom when you feel the need. (Don't try this without a doctor's supervision.) If that doesn't work, she may prescribe a drug that targets the beta-3 receptors on the bladder muscle, relaxing it and increasing its capacity. Botox also appears to reduce symptoms by about 50 percent.

Problem No. 4: Interstitial cystitis

The lowdown This condition acts like a UTI, but it's not really an infection at all. "Interstitial cystitis happens a lot in women who get recurrent UTIs," says Lisa Dabney, MD, a urogynecologist at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital in New York City. "The theory is, their bladder gets so traumatized and irritated that they begin experiencing pain even when they don't have an infection."

What it feels like Chronic pelvic pain and a persistent feeling that you need to pee.

Rx Your doctor will take a urine sample to rule out infection. If necessary, she'll perform more invasive tests to examine your bladder lining. One such test is a cystoscopy, in which a lighted scope is inserted into your urethra. Treatment usually involves avoiding foods that exacerbate the symptoms, such as caffeine or acidic fare. Pelvic-floor physical therapy can help, too. If these tactics don't work, your doctor may prescribe Elmiron, a drug that helps repair the bladder lining.

The truth about kegels

"I see a lot of women who complain that Kegels don't work, only to find that they've been doing them wrong," says pelvic-floor physical therapist Kerry Kress Levy, based in Towson, Md. To get the right squeeze:

Find the key muscles The next time you're on the toilet, stop urine midstream. The clenched sensation is a sign that you're engaging your pelvic-floor muscles. (Don't do this routinely while peeing, though—that can actually weaken the pelvic floor, Levy says.)

Repeat often Lying on the floor, tighten your pelvic-floor muscles. Hold the contraction for 5 to 10 seconds (don't stop breathing!), then relax for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat 20 times a day, eventually working up to 100.

Keep focused While doing Kegels, put your hands on your stomach and butt to ensure that your belly, thighs and glutes aren't moving.

What your pee color really means

Transparent: You're drinking a lot of water. It's fine to be this hydrated, but you don't need to be. So if you're forcing yourself to guzzle H[subscript 2]O, you can safely cut back a bit.

Pale straw color or transparent yellow: You're well-hydrated.

Amber or honey: Your body isn't getting enough water.

Syrup or brown ale: You may be severely dehydrated. Amp up your fluid intake, and see your doctor if the color persists.

Pink to reddish: Eaten blueberries or beets recently? If not, you may have blood in your urine. It could be nothing, or it could be a sign of a UTI or other condition, so check with your doc to be sure.

Blue or green: It's probably a dye in something you ate or in a medication (like certain antidepressants and anti-inflammatory drugs), but it may also be a sign of a rare genetic disease. The condition won't kill you, but to be safe, see your doctor if the color doesn't go away.

Foaming or fizzing: This could indicate excess protein in your diet or a kidney problem. Talk to your doctor if you notice that it's happening all the time.

13 Fun Ways to Work Out With Your Dog

Because no one loves to exercise more than your four-legged friend.

Your new training partner

by Catherine DiBenedetto

dog training partnerDogs make the best workout buddies. They never complain about hills, or cancel on you last-minute. And they're always stoked to follow you out the door. That energy can be contagious: research from Michigan State University found that canine owners were 34% more likely to get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise a week than folks who didn't have a dog. Even if you're just taking your pup for a walk, that counts. (Move at a brisk clip and you can burn as many as 170 calories in half an hour.) But there are lots of other activities you and Fido can do together—all while strengthening your bond.
With Your Dog
Check out these fun ways to get fit with your furry pal.
 With Your Dog

12 Reasons Why Dehydration Is Bad for Your Body

Being dehydrated can make you tired, grumpy, prone to weight gain, and more.

Are you low on water?

by Linda Melone

dehydration opener
It doesn't take much to become dehydrated. Lose just 1.5% of the water in your body (the human body is usually about 60% H2O), and you've reached the tipping point of mild dehydration. It can be brought on by many things—and it can do much more to your body than just make you feel thirsty. Dehydration also brings on health effects ranging from fatigue and smelly breath to more dangerous consequences like distracted driving.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

11 Secrets of People Who've Lived to 100

Centenarians from around the globe share their secrets to longevity.    5 components of fitness
5 components of fitness
from Healthy & Happy -
 5 components of fitness

Monday, August 24, 2015

Definition of Skill Related Fitness

The abilities or components of skill related fitness are not the skills associated with any particular sport, such as running, catching, tackling or kicking, but are the underlying skills which are brought to bear when participating in a sport.skill related components of fitness
There are six skill related components of fitness. These are Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed. These are important fitness components, not just for sporting ability, but for use in everyday life.skill related components of fitness
In times of illness, or in ageing, these components are often features of our lives that fail and their levels are reduced. Exercise and activities that promote skill components of fitness are therefore very important at all ages.

Diet plan


Agility is the ability to rapidly and accurately change the direction of the body at speed. It necessitates a combination of speed, balance, power and coordination  skill related components of fitness


Skill related fitness definitionBalance is the ability to maintain equilibrium when stationary or moving.


Co-ordination is the ability to carry out a series of movements or motor tasks smoothly & efficiently.skill related components of fitness


The amount of force a muscle can exert. Muscular power is the ability to contract muscles with speed and force in one explosive act.

Reaction Time

Diet plan

Reaction Time is the ability to respond to a stimuli quickly.skill related components of fitness


Speed is a measure of the ability to move all or part of the body as quickly as possible.
 skill related components of fitness

Skill Related Components of Fitness

Mr Cornish     skill related components of fitness

Bad45: Tacfit Bodyweight And Dumbell System

Transcription de Skill Related Components of Fitness
Agility refers to the ability to change the direction and speed at which you are travelling at, quickly and efficiently.
What sports might agility be useful in and why?   skill related components of fitness
How do we test agility?
Fitness is a broad term used to describe our health. We often think of '
health related
' fitness components to describe our level of fitness.
Who can give an example of a health related component of fitness?
The term fitness can be broken down into skill components. These are important when performing the more technical aspects
of sport.
Power is the product of strength and speed.
When we produce a task as quickly and as forcefully as we can, the result is speed.
What are some examples of sports where power is really important?
How can we test for power?
How might we train to improve power?  skill related components of fitness
Balance is the ability to maintain
, whilst stationary or moving.
Balance is linked to agility as you must have great balance to have the ability to change directions and accelerate quickly!
There are two types of balance:
Static - not moving
Dynamic - moving
Speed is the ability to move a body part quickly. It is NOT always about moving your whole body from A to B.
Who can think of an example of where speed of a body part is important, rather than the whole body?
What about some more usual examples of speed... Where is it critical in sport?
Skill Related Components of Fitness
Reaction Time!
Coordination!  skill related components of fitness

Bad45: Tacfit Bodyweight And Dumbell System

Reaction time refers to how quickly your brain can respond to a stimulus and initiate a response.
What are some examples of sports where having a quick reaction time is important?
At an elite level, the split second's difference in reaction time can be the difference between winning and losing!
How could you test an athlete's reaction times?

Get your rulers out!
Coordination is the ability to control our body's movements.
This refers to how we use body parts and senses together to produce smooth efficient movements.
Being coordinated in sport is vital as it ties many components together in performance.
What is a simple test for coordination?
skill related components of fitness
1. Partner up with the person you're sitting next to!
2. You will be assigned a sport
3. What health related components of fitness are important to that sport?
4. Think about where all the skill related components of fitness fit into that sport
5. Give an example of a scenario in that sport where each component would be used
6. How would you train for each
skill related
Skill Related Components of Fitness
1. Balance
2. Reaction Time
3. Speed
4. Agility
5. Coordination
6. Power   skill related components of fitness
What is an example of a sport where balance is crucial?
What muscles are vital in supporting good balance?
How could we train to improve our balance?
Reaction Time!
Reaction time is an inherent ability, but we can improve our overall performance through training!
How might we do this?
Think, pair and share!
Speed!   skill related components of fitness
Similar to reaction time, speed is inherent.
But! It can also, be trained!
How might we do this?
Think, pair and share!
Given that these skill related components are all interrelated...
How could we train to improve an athlete's agility through training?
How could a student improve on their coordination skills?
How might growth spurts effect children and teenagers coordination?
 skill related components of fitness

Bad45: Tacfit Bodyweight And Dumbell System

Skill Related Components of Fitness and Basketball

The Components of Fitness is a term given to grouping of aspects relating to conditioning and attributes athletes can work on for sport. The components of fitness include Strength, Power, Speed, Endurance, Balance, Coordination, Reaction Time, Muscular Endurance, Cardiovascular Fitness, Body Composition and Flexibility. These are broad areas but help with categorising drills and activities as well as assisting in describing the different physiological requirements for a sport such as basketball. 

The Body Transformation Blueprint

skill related components of fitness
It does not matter if you are playing in the NBA or running around your local gym one of the great benefits from playing basketball is it requires a high degree of fitness. At a professional level the physical demands of basketball are so high that pre-season training starts many months in advance to try and prepare athletes for the sports high requirements. In training for basketball many aspects are worked on making the players good enough to deal with the pressure and physical requirements of the game. It is this sports specific training that helps ensure that the players have good muscle endurance to enhance their technical skills.
skill related components of fitness
Player releases a short jump shot, while her d...
There are two different groupings that help with our description of the Components of Fitness. The first area is Skill Related Components of Fitness. These component areas focused on the performance of technical and tactical activities involved in sports specific movements. The second area is the Health Related Components of Fitness. These components look at the physiological condition of the athlete. The health related components can expressed in general fitness and well-being.
skill related components of fitness
For this discussion the Skill Related Components of Fitness are to be focused on. Skill Related Components are:

The Body Transformation Blueprint

skill related components of fitness
Agility refers to the ability to be able to change direction at pace while still remaining under control. In basketball when thinking of agility think of changing direction while in a defensive stance or the ability to create a lane to the basket while cutting.
skill related components of fitness
Balance revolves around the concept of equilibrium and this describes the ability of an individual to remain in  control of their body and maintain the desired technique.         The Lay-up: a blending Coordination and Balance (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In basketball balance can seen in the performance and execution
 of a jump-shot or a defensive stance    
skill related components of fitness                                                                                         
Coordination refers to bring all the body parts together in a purposeful movement. Commonly used terms are things like hand-eye coordination. In basketball, coordination can be seen in the shooting action where the whole body is utilised to achieve a very specific movement sequence.

The Body Transformation Blueprint

skill related components of fitness
Power is focused on short but extreme effort. In basketball activities, power can be seen when an athlete jumps and is also in the explosive acceleration needed in transition.

Reaction Time describes the time it takes an individual to act upon stimuli. In basketball this can be seen in the movements of players off the ball reading and reacting (or delay) to where the ball is and where their defensive assignment also is in relation to the ball. In this situation the better the reaction time the faster the player moves into the correct position.
skill related components of fitness
Speed refers to the time needed to perform an activity. This can be overall speed of a player when sprinting or hand speed when a player is trying to steal a ball.

When speaking about fitness and conditioning an important aspect to discuss is fatigue. Fatigue gives a name to the time when players move past what their optimum level of output is and into a stage where they are unable to perform tasks as efficiently or to as high a standard as previously demonstrated. When you are tired, you will try to take shortcuts in the game and no game has ever been won using shortcuts. The quality of the play will become poor which highlights how fatigue will affect the Skill Related Components of Fitness. Areas which are first to suffer are technical skills like catching the ball in a triple threat stance, passing with accuracy or using basic movement principles such as change of pace. Being tired also means you are less likely to play defence and on the defensive end of the floor fatigue will affect rebounding as aggressively as needed. In general you will not play at your best when you are fatigued.

The Body Transformation Blueprint

skill related components of fitness
Basketball is a sport which demands a highly efficient level of competence and performance of technical skills found across all the Skill Related Components of Fitness. By taking this into account as a coach you can tailor your training sessions to include these elements and help your athletes become exposed to all these areas of development. skill related components of fitness

Health-Related Components of Physical Fitness and Incorporating Personal Fitness

There are five health-related components:  Carido-Respiratory or Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance, Flexibility, and Body Composition. skill related components of fitness

tactical gymnastics

  1. Cardiovascular Endurance (CE) - the ability of the body to sustain aerobic activities for extended periods (oxygen utilization) skill related components of fitness
  2. Muscle Strength (MS) - the ability of muscle groups to contract and support an given amount of weight
  3. Muscle Endurance (ME)- the ability of muscle groups to contract continually over a period of time and support a given weight  skill related components of fitness
  4. Flexibility (F) - the ability of the muscle group to stretch and bend
  5. Body Composition (BC) - an essential measure of health and fitness.  The most important aspects of BC are body fat percentage and ratio of body fat to muscle.  Here's a little tid-bit; if you put more calories in your body than what you burn, you will gain weight.

    tactical gymnastics

Physical activity can help reduce certain health risks such as:  cholesterol levels, blood pressure, stress-related disorders, heart disease, and weight and obesity disorders just to name a few.  Here is a list of physical activities that may help reduce some of the above health risk mentioned.
 1.      Aerobic Dance:skill related components of fitness

Health-related components of fitness = cardio-respiratory, body composition.

Skill-related components of fitness = agility, coordination.
2.      Bicycling:skill related components of fitness

Health-related components of fitness = cardio-respiratory, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and body composition.

Skill-related components of fitness = balance.skill related components of fitness
3.      Calisthenics:

Health-related components of fitness = cardio-respiratory, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and body composition.

Skill-related components of fitness = agility.
4.      Circuit Training  skill related components of fitness

Health-related components of fitness = cardio-respiratory, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and body composition.

Skill-related components of fitness = power.
5.      Jogging/Running:skill related components of fitness

Health-related components of fitness = cardio-respiratory and body composition.
6.      Skating:

Health-related components of fitness = cardio-respiratory and body composition.

Skill-related components of fitness = agility, balance, coordination, and speed.
7.      Swimming/Water Exercise:

Health-related components of fitness = cardio-respiratory, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and body composition.

Skill-related components of fitness = agility and coordination.
8.      Walking (brisk):skill related components of fitness

Health-related components of fitness = cardio-respiratory and body composition.
9.      Rope Jumping:

Health-related components of fitness = cardio-respiratory and body composition.

Skill-related components of fitness = agility, coordination, and reaction time.
This is just a small list.  There are probably many more activities that can be performed to help reduce health risks.  I suggest adding these to your physical activity toolbox.

tactical gymnastics

 skill related components of fitness

Health-Related Fitness and Skill-Related Fitness

There are two basic types of physical fitness. Health-related fitness involves activities that promote total well-being, allowing you to easily perform your day-to-day activities. Health-related fitness will also help you prevent and reduce diseases and disorders. Skill-related fitness focuses on skills for sports such as golf or volleyball.  skill related components of fitness
The following table shows the components of the two types of physical fitness.

muscl eimbalances revealed

Table 1.1 Components of Physical Fitness
Components of Health-Related Fitness Components of Skill-Related Fitness
Cardiorespiratory fitness (or cardiorespiratory endurance): the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to muscles  skill related components of fitness Speed: The ability to move your body quickly from one point to another
Muscular strength: The ability of a muscle to maintain force against resistance  skill related components of fitness Agility: The ability to move your body quickly and in different directions
Muscular endurance: The ability of a muscle to work continuously for a period of time Balance: The ability to maintain control of your body while stationary or in movement
Flexibility: The ability to move muscles and joints through a range of motion  skill related components of fitness Coordination: The ability to move parts of your body while maintaining balance
Body composition: The percentage of fat, muscle, bone, and other tissues in the body Power: The ability to combine strength and speed in movement
 skill related components of fitness Reaction time: The time required to start a movement after being signaled to move

muscl eimbalances revealed

Health-related fitness involves activities that promote total well-being ... help[ing] you prevent and reduce diseases and disorders.  skill related components of fitness
While skill-related components of fitness are important, we will focus on health-related fitness for our purpose of creating personal fitness plans. We will take a closer look at each of the health-related fitness components in future lessons. Each of these will become a part of your personal fitness program.
The podcasts for this lesson will explain in more detail the two types of physical fitness. Each is about ten minutes long. The first podcast, "Welcome to Health-Related Fitness," will introduce you to Dr. Jeff Cherubini, his credentials, and his target audience. His main audience is college students planning to study fitness; however, he uses his podcasts to promote a physically active lifestyle to anyone and everyone, as he will mention. You may want to listen to the second podcast, "Components of Health-Related Fitness," a couple of times. Take notes as you listen, particularly to all definitions, because these will appear on the progress evaluation at the end of this lesson. After listening, you can review your knowledge by answering the review questions in the practice quiz.  skill related components of fitness
Please listen to Dr. Jeff Cherubini's podcasts on the following two subjects:
Welcome to Health-Related Fitness


Components of Health-Related Fitness


muscl eimbalances revealed

 skill related components of fitness

Sunday, August 23, 2015

skill related fitness components

Definition of Health-Related Fitness
Is this popular term being used correctly?

Turbulence Training

Turbulence Training 2.0

How did the term Health-Related Fitness come about?  skill related fitness components
Many in the health and fitness industry nowadays use the term Health-Related Fitness. But is it being used in the way it was intended?
What is this concept all about – can’t we simply use the terms "fitness" or "physical fitness" instead? Why Health "Related"?
The main reason stems from the fact that most health and fitness definitions and terms are used inconsistently, often referring to differing aspects or notions. (The FAQ Page also takes a look at some of the other commonly used fitness terms and exercise terminology.)

The definition of Health-Related Fitness  skill related fitness components
According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), ineffective definitions containing unclear and subjective wordings, as well as definitions comprising terms that themselves require defining, have contributed to confounding the term "physical fitness."
There is no reliable guide for Health and Fitness professionals to measure "physical fitness", because the term has been so loosely and inconsistently defined. It is in this light that one should consider the concept of Health-Related Fitness.
According to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness (PCPFS), "Health-related physical fitness consists of those components of physical fitness that have a relationship with good health."
Physical fitness, within the realm of Health-Related Physical Fitness, is therefore a set of 'measurable' characteristics, or Components. Broken down, the 5 Health-Related Fitness Components are: Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Body Composition, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance and Flexibility.
skill related fitness components
The authority on Health-Related Physical Fitness assessment is the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). ACSM's Health-Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual provides thorough guidelines for the assessment of Health-Related Physical Fitness. This publication also refers to doses of activity and/or exercise required to produce health benefits. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the definition of physical fitness emphasises the difference between health-related physical fitness and athletic ability physical fitness. Its point-of-departure is the health of the US nation, which is often referred to as the "public health perspective. skill related fitness components

Turbulence Training 2.0

In this regard, the 5 health-related fitness components are more important than those related to athletic ability (or skill-related components). The factors which distinguish health-related fitness from skill-related fitness are shown below:
Health-Related Physical Fitness Components:  skill related fitness components
  • Cardiorespiratory Fitness
  • Body Composition
  • Flexibility
  • Muscular Strength
  • Muscular Endurance
Skill-Related Fitness Components:  skill related fitness components
  • Balance
  • Reaction Time
  • Coordination
  • Agility
  • Speed
  • Power
The definition of health-related fitness also shows this concept's integral association with "good health." However, the 5 components are addressed individually by health professionals to allow for their measurement.  skill related fitness components
Now we know what the term means, but what purpose does it serve?
definition of health realted fitness, Copyright: kzenon / 123RF Stock Photo
Continuing from the definition above, the objective of measuring the components is to advise clients about the state of their health-related fitness - and to use data obtained from the tests to design appropriate exercise programs which can then be evaluated.
It is intended that all 5 components contribute evenly to make up a holistic health-related physical fitness.
So in sum, health-related physical fitness is of interest to the health of the ordinary citizen, in that the concept is normative.   skill related fitness components
It is therefore important for those working in the health and fitness industry not to mistake "overall physical fitness" with "health-related physical fitness."
Regular or planned physical exercise can improve overall physical fitness as well as health-related fitness. However, overall fitness is a generic term and is up to subjective interpretation, while health-related fitness can be assessed.  skill related fitness components
The distinction therefore, between the 2 terms, exists in that health-related physical fitness can be measured according to a set of established comparative norms.
Let me reiterate that in the health and fitness industry, 'Health-Related Physical Fitness' and 'Health-Related Fitness' are often interchangeably used when referring to the same concept.
Who needs to know?  skill related fitness components
Now you have a fairly good idea about 'health-related fitness', that it's measurable - and you've seen the link above to ACSM's Assessment Manual.
Where to now?  skill related fitness components
Well, if you're a Fitness Trainer or professional, you can employ these standards in your studies or daily work. The Assessment Manual is invaluable for this.
On the other hand, if you're that average person who simply wanted the term health-related fitness clarified, I hope you're in the picture now. If you're looking for a fitness program or to get you into shape, what are you waiting for?
Begin by accessing the pages under 'Taking Stock' (on the navbar at the top of the page) and start your journey to health and fitness.   skill related fitness components

Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2015

The Trend is Always a Trap: Top 10 Fitness Trends for 2015
Mahony Brogan skill related fitness components

Verified Annotations By: Mahony Brogan 


The fitness industry loves trends. Every year it seems like there's a new type of training or new piece of equipment that supposedly works better than anything before it. A lot of this is just flashy marketing, but even when one of these trends turns out to be legitimate, that doesn't mean it's a viable option for everyone.

That's why I wanted to write this. There are a lot of ridiculous fitness trends out there, but there are also some good ones that might address your personal fitness needs. My goal is to help you navigate these trends so that you won't fall victim to the trap like so many others.

1. Body Weight Training  skill related fitness components

I imagine this is at the top of the list thanks to strong push from social media networks and the commercial fitness sector, which saves a lot of moolah peddling body weight exercise programs. Body weight training is useful in two scenarios:
    a) You don’t have access to proper facilities/equipment.
    b) You are considerably detrained.  skill related fitness components
If you don’t have any equipment or your goal is simply to increase your physical activity, body weight training might be for you. However, if you have loftier goals and the right equipment, body weight training is a waste of your time.  skill related fitness components

2. High-intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T)

This is sometimes referred to as metabolic training because it targets the different energy systems in the body at different times during the workout, which allows you to maintain a higher average intensity compared to traditional steady-state cardio.

What’s nice about H.I.I.T. is that a typical training session will include a lot of variety and only takes about 30 minutes. It's also one of the most effective methods for burning fat.

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The bad news is that H.I.I.T. programs are difficult to design appropriately and require a lot of individualized attention. The exercise selection also tends to be more advanced and may even require special equipment that you won't find in a lot of gyms. Beginners will also find it very difficult to push themselves to this level of intensity, so it may not be a good option for them.  skill related fitness components

3. Educated, certified, and experienced fitness professionals

This has been one of the top trends for the past few years now, which is great to see. It has fallen back a few spots, though, which may be because the commercial sector has been slow to adopt more rigorous hiring practices. Many clubs still value sales skills in their trainers more than a strong understanding of human physiology or exercise program design.  skill related fitness components

If you’re in the market for a trainer, be sure to shop smart and ask for the following information before making any decisions:  skill related fitness components
    Accreditation – In my opinion, the most respected organizations for fitness professional accreditation are NSCA and ACSM. Both provide basic certification of personal trainers as well as more advanced certifications, such as certified strength and conditioning specialist (NSCA-CSCS) and health fitness specialist (ACSM-HFS).

    Education – A CPT only requires a high school diploma, so
    these are typically the least educated professionals. A CSCS, on the other hand, requires a bachelor’s degree, but that degree doesn't have to be exercise related. Finally, an HFS requires a b.s. in exercise science, exercise physiology, or kinesiology.  skill related fitness components

    Experience – Experience is important in any field, but I tend to think that education trumps experience in the fitness industry because education was such a low priority 10 years ago. There are a lot of fitness professionals out there with plenty of experience but a limited understanding of exercise physiology or program design, so be careful how much importance you place on experience when looking for a personal trainer.  skill related fitness components

4. Strength training

In my mind, this should be number one on the list every year. The fitness industry is still very “aerobic-centric”, but more and more research is beginning to uncover the wide-ranging benefits of strength training.

I strongly believe that everyone – and I mean everyone – should be strength training in some form or fashion, regardless of their immediate goals. The reason for this is because strength training can have a positive outcome on every other component of health- or skill-related fitness.

With that said, effective strength training requires at least a working knowledge of human anatomy and a decent program, so you may have to do a little research or consult with a professional at some point.

5. Personal training  skill related fitness components

For a long time, commercial gyms would hire anyone who looked athletic and had decent social skills. Unfortunately, these people really had no clue what they were doing. Today, trainers are expected to have a recognized certification and preferably an exercise-related degree.

The value of personal training basically boils down to three things: (1) accountability/motivation, (2) more efficient progress, and (3) a lower risk of injury.

This all depends on the education and experience of your trainer, though, so make sure to look into this (see #3) before you do business with anyone.

6. Exercise and weight loss  skill related fitness components

Eating habits play a greater role in determining your weight than your exercise habits do, and since fitness professionals generally aren't qualified to address dietary issues, you should be very careful about what kind of weight loss services you purchase.

I have a hard time believing that your average gym will have the qualified professionals on staff for these types of services. You may be better off just purchasing a straight-forward training package and then using some of the free resources on nutrition and health behaviors from qualified professionals that are out there.

7. Yoga

Yoga’s place on this list has frustrated me over the years. It's not that I doubt the mental, physical, and emotional benefits yoga can provide, but those benefits are usually overblown and rarely have any empirical research to back them up. The hype is ridiculous.

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Nonetheless, if you haven't tried yoga before, it's something to consider. It can be fun and relaxing and it beats the hell out of sitting around all day watching TV.  skill related fitness components

8. Fitness programs for older adults

I think that fitness professionals could play a pivotal role in solving the potential crisis brought on by our aging population, but a lot of important factors have to fall in place. For one example, there needs to be much closer collaboration between fitness professionals, doctors, and insurance companies.

For highly active seniors, most certified personal trainers at commercial gyms or health clubs should be able to provide appropriate programming. However, older adults that are less active or otherwise suffering from chronic conditions should be working with an ACSM-HFS and do their best to make sure their physician is included in the process.  skill related fitness components

9. Functional fitness

Functional fitness was a huge meme in the fitness industry a few years ago, but it seems to have died down a little bit (luckily).

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Functional fitness is anything that helps you to accomplish your physical goals, whether that means deadlifting twice your weight or just being able to perform daily activities around the house. As such, I would be very suspicious of any fitness professional who tells you that their training methods are inherently more "functional" than other methods out there.  skill related fitness components

10. Group personal training

Group personal training is a little tricky. It’s a cheaper option and the social aspect usually makes it more enjoyable than 1-on-1 training, so a lot of people prefer it.

However, everyone has different goals, skill-levels, and fitness needs, which means there still needs to be some individualization included for group training to be effective. Unfortunately, this is not something that a lot of trainers are willing or able to do.  skill related fitness components

skill related fitness components

There are TWO types of Components of Fitness:

Health and Skill

Health Related Exercise

The Five Health Related Exercise components are;

1.Cardiovascular fitness
2.Muscular strength
3.Muscular endurance
5.Body composition edit.

Skill Related Fitness

The Six Skill Related Fitness components are;

1. Agility
2. Balance
3. Coordination
4. Power
5. Reaction Time
6. Speed
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 Cardiovascular Fitness


DEFINITION: Cardiovascular fitness: the ability to exercise the entire body

Cardiovascular fitness describes the efficiency of the heart, lungs and bloody vessels to deliver oxygen to the working muscles so that you can keep working for a long time.
skill related fitness components
Cardiovascular is the most important is the most important aspect of Health Related Exercise.

It allows people to follow a  healthy, active lifestyle without getting too tired.
skill related fitness components
This is the fitness that is required to allow sportsmen and women to play long hard matches in football, rugby, netball, tennis and many other sports. skill related fitness components



DEFINITION: Agility: the ability to change the position of the body quickly and to control the movement of the whole body.
skill related fitness components
Agility means changing direction at speed.

Gymnasts require agility when performing floor work exercises such as somersaults and flic flacs.
skill related fitness components
A rugby player requires agility to dodge a defender.

Muscular Strength


DEFINITION:  Muscular strength: the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance.

Muscular strength enables the lifting of very heavy weights, for example weight lifting  skill related fitness components

Muscular strength can be developed by lifting heavy weights with few repetitions or by high-intensity strength work.

It is required in activities like weight lifting where the competitor is required to make one massive effort, but is also required in games such as rugby where the two packs push against each other in a scrum. skill related fitness components



DEFINITION: Balance: the ability to retain the centre of mass(gravity) of the body above the base of support with reference to static (stationary), or dynamic (changing) conditions of movement, shape and orientation.
skill related fitness components
There are two different types of balance STATIC and DYNAMIC.

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Muscular Endurance


DEFINITION: Muscular endurance: the ability to use the voluntary muscles many times without getting tired.
skill related fitness components
Muscular endurance enables muscles to be exercised repeatedly without getting tired, for example in activities such as running and swimming.

It is necessary for many sports and physical activities. Some form of training to improve this area of fitness, such as press-ups or sit-ups.

Muscular endurance is often associated with games such as tennis which take a long time and require strong shots at the end of the game as well as at the beginning.
skill related fitness components
People need muscular endurance in their everyday life to complete daily chores.



DEFINITION: Coordination: the ability to use two or more body parts together.

 Racket games require good hand-eye coordination in order to strike the ball or shuttle correctly
skill related fitness components
In football there are several types of coordination;

Hand-eye coordination for the goalkeeper to catch a shot at goal or catch or punch the ball when under pressure.

Foot-eye coordination needed to strike the ball to pass, shoot or control it.

Head-eye coordination needed to strike the ball with the head in order to clear a corner or to aim at the target to score.
skill related fitness components
At other times players may need chest-eye or thigh-eye coordination to control the ball, so coordination is a high priority skill.



DEFINITION: Flexibility: the range of movement possible at a joint.

Flexibility is important in everyday life, for example being able to bend over to tie your shoelaces.
skill related fitness components
Flexibility is most often demonstrated by athletes such as gymnasts, but those who play racket games such as badminton also need to be flexible.

Yoga is a popular activity to improve fitness.



DEFINITION: Power: the ability to undertake strength performance quickly. Power = strength X speed

Power increases as a result of an increase in strength or speed.
skill related fitness components
Examples of power include, driving off the sprinting starting blocks, throwing a javelin and a football throw in.

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Body Composition


DEFINITION: Body composition: the percentage of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone.
skill related fitness components
Body composition is influenced by genetics, although it can be improved by exercise and diet. Height and weight are genetic.

Elite athletes work hard to achieve a good body composition for their sport.

Reaction Time


DEFINITION: Reaction Time: the time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset of movement.

For example, the time between the trigger being pulled, the gun firing and the athletes starting to run.

In a game of badminton or football the player has to react to each type of shot.



DEFINITION: Speed: the differential rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time.
skill related fitness components
Speed includes:

Leg speed, eg. Usain Bolt

Hand speed, eg, boxer Joe Calzaghe

Speed of thought, eg, Tennis atar Rafael Nadal.

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Health and Skill Related Fitness Components

5 Health-Related Fitness Components

1.Muscular Strength: skill related fitness components
The ability of muscles to lift a heavy weight or exert a lot of force one time.

fat is not your fault

 2.Muscular Endurance: skill related fitness components        
The ability to use muscles for a long period of time without tiring.
 3.Cardiovascular Endurance: skill related fitness components
The ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and blood to work efficiently and to supply the body with oxygen.
 4.Body Composition: skill related fitness components
The combination of all of the tissues that make up the body such as bones 
muscle, organs and body fat.
 5.Flexibility: skill related fitness components
The ability to use your joints fully through a wide range of motion.
6 Skill Related Fitness Components

1. Agility - The ability to change body positions quickly and keep the body under control when moving. skill related fitness components

2. Balance - The ability to keep the body in a steady position while standing and moving. skill related fitness components

3. Coordination - The ability of body parts to work together when you perform an activity. skill related fitness components

4. Power - The ability to combine strength with speed while moving.

5. Speed - The ability to move all or a part of the body quickly.

fat is not your fault

6. Reaction Time - The ability to move quickly once a signal to start moving is received. skill related fitness components

Skill Related Fitness

 As well as the traditional components of health related fitness, the term fitness can be broken down into skill components. These are important in performing the more technical aspects of many spo
 skill related fitness components

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Speed  skill related fitness components

Most sports and activities require some form of speed. Even long distance running often requires a burst of speed to finish the race ahead of your competitors. Speed is defined as the ability to move a body part quickly. Speed is not always about how quickly you can move your whole body from A to B. It also relates to body parts. For example, when playing golf, the speed of your arms and upper body in creating the swing are vital in driving the ball over a long distance.  skill related fitness components

Reaction Time  skill related fitness components

Reaction time is how quickly your brain can respond to a stimulus and initiate a response. This is important in most sports. The most obvious being responding to the gun at the start of a race, but also a goalkeeper saving a penalty, or a badminton player reacting to a smash shot. The examples in sport are endless!


Being agile is all about being able to change your direction and the speed at which you are travelling, quickly and efficiently. This is common in sports such as football and rugby where the player with the ball dodges a defender, or in badminton or tennis, moving around the court quickly to reach the shuttlecock/ball in time.  skill related fitness components


Balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium whilst stationary, or moving. Balance whilst moving is often called dynamic balance. Balance is important in all kinds of sporting situations, most noteably in gymnastics and ballet but also contact sports where having good balance may prevent you being tackled to the floor! Balance is linked to agility, as in order to quickly and efficently change direction you must be balanced.

Coordination  skill related fitness components

Coordination is the ability to use the body parts and senses together to produce smooth efficient movements. We have all seen someone who is uncoordinated, their movement looks awkward and shaky. Being co-ordinated is vital in all sports, for example hand-eye coordination in racket sports and the co-ordination to use the opposite arm and leg when sprinting.

Power   skill related fitness components

Power is the product of strength and speed. When we perform a task as quickly and as forcefully as we can, the result is powerful. For example, a sprint start, a shot-put or javelin throw or long-jump.

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