Sunday, August 23, 2015

5 components of fitness

1. muscle strength

 5 components of fitness
 This is the "power" that helps to lift and carry heavy objects. Without muscle strength, your body is weak and unable to keep up with the requests.

Way to increase power is to train with heavy weights, working in 4-6 or 12-15 rep ranges. Heavier in weight, and a smaller number of representatives must perform!

 2. muscular endurance 

 5 components of fitness
Endurance is the ability to perform muscle contractions for long periods of time. Instead of just lifting or carrying something for a few seconds, it is used for muscle minutes.

 Way to increase power is to train with light weights, which operates in 20 - 25. delegate group will work with lighter necessary for muscular endurance muscle fibers, and a high delegate lead to a longer period of exercise training. 

3. cardiovascular endurance 

5 components of fitness 
Stamina cardiovascular body's ability to keep up with exercise such as running, jogging, swimming, cycling, and anything that requires your system cardiovascular (lungs, heart and blood vessels) to work for long periods of time. Together, heart, lungs, and fuel your body with the oxygen needed by muscles, and to ensure that they have the oxygen needed for the work they are doing. 

5 components of fitness

Cooper run (run as far as possible within 12 minutes) is a test commonly used to assess the endurance of heart and blood vessels, but many coaches use step test (step on the platform for about 5 minutes). Both gauges minutes of endurance cardiovascular the person concerned.

 4. Flexibility 

5 components of fitness
Flexibility is one of the most important components, but often overlooked, of fitness. Without flexibility, the muscles and joints grow stiff and will be limited movement. Flexibility training ensures that your body can move through the full range of motion without pain or stiffness.

To test your flexibility, lean forward and try to touch your toes. And those with good flexibility and are usually able to touch his toes, while those with limited flexibility will not. Test sit-access (sitting on the floor, and access to some toes) is another good way to assess your flexibility. The more flexible you are, the closer you will come to touch your toes and abroad.

 5. The composition 

5 components of fitness
of fat in the bodyBody fat amount of fat in the body composition suggests. For example, a person 100 pounds with 25 percent body fat composition of their lean body mass of 75 pounds. 

To be described as a fit:

  • men must be configured in the body fat is less than 17 percent 
  • women should be in the body fat composition of less than 24 percent 
5 components of fitness
The common man tends to be about 18 to 24 percent of fat in the body, while the average woman has 25-31 percent of body fat. 

Any program that neglects one or more of these types of fitness will not benefit your body in the long term. Try an effective fitness program to improve all five components of fitness! 5 components of fitness


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